Execution is the game

You are full of amazing world-changing ideas that you know can make you the greatest who ever lived, but nothing gets done? The answer is EXECUTION. All our ideas when not executed would be worthless. You have an idea in your mind of making a business that will gain millions of pesos? Why not do it? You have an idea that can cure cancer? Why not put in the work to make that idea into reality? Don't fear the risk of failing, even great people fell down at one point in their lives. Thomas Edison, the inventor of light bulb have failed a thousand times before creating his masterpiece. Former American President, Franklin Roosevelt is one of the greatest example of persistence. He lost the election many times, he lost his job, failed in business but at the end of his long and tough journey, he was elected as President of the United States of America. Take that no prisoners approach , you are 100% in control of y...