Essence of being a Hero


Because we really don’t know how to classify a hero, a hero could be someone who does good for their country, a person who inspires people to do good, or a person who is an expert in a certain field and has made a massive impact in the world. It could also be the people around you who do the little things to make things happen.

“This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in.”
– Theodore Roosevelt

What does the word “hero” really mean? According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary,
“a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.”

A hero can be someone like Jose Rizal, who used wisdom and writings to help our country gain its freedom. It can also be like Andres Bonifacio, who used grit and force to fight for independence.

But how can we become this kind of hero? What can we do to make an impact?

“Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.”
– Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius, the Roman Emperor, was a hero. Seneca, the slave who showed the world how to be patient, good, understanding, and kind to those who tortured him, was also a hero. Your parents, who did their best to put you in a good place, are heroes.

Not every situation is going to be bold or newsworthy, and not every deed will be recognized. It’s about being a good person, doing what the situation calls for. Be a good person even when no one is watching. Be a good person even if it means you have to sacrifice something for the greater good.

Students are often belittled when it comes to how they can contribute to the community they belong to. They are usually questioned about how they can help society thrive. With this said, the efforts of the younger generations to help are often ignored and disregarded.

Creating communities or organizations that can help and encourage people, students, and younger generations to execute ideas that can contribute to our country’s betterment is important. Most students nowadays use social media to voice their thoughts and opinions. Through that, we can use social media as a platform to address and communicate certain social issues. It can also be used to connect with people who have the same agenda.

Collaborating with the government can also be helpful; it is one of the ways to convey ideas to help the nation. That’s why it is very important to put good people in public office. Having real public servants in the country—those who craft good laws and avoid corruption—plays a significant role in shaping a better future. By having ethical and capable individuals lead our government, we create an environment where everyone’s ideas, especially those aimed at helping the nation, are supported and implemented.

At the end of the day, anyone can be a hero. You can be a hero.


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