Thoughts on Creating a Better Society

"This country will not be good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in."
- Theodore Roosevelt

Are we really enjoying our lives now? From the moment we wake up, all we hear about is the traffic in the streets, the corruption committed by politicians, or the student stabbed by a bandit in Recto. Our daily realities are marked by many of these negative things. Is this the life we dream about?

Of course, we will answer “No”. We want a happy life. We want a life full of joy; a life full of love and care for one another.  We all want change; to be part of an ideal society that will make the world a better place. Especially the Philippines, our beloved country.

I may not be an expert but I am a citizen. And I want to do my part in shaping the future of our home. So here are some of my thoughts on how every Filipino can act to achieve our ideal society:

1) Unity and selflessness

There’s a line in the song by RivermayaPilipinas, Kailan ka Magigising that really strikes  a chord in my heart, 
“Pag inuna ang sarili nasa huli ang pagsisi
Yesterday, while I was on my way home it was raining hard. All of the people inside the jeepney were getting wet. After a few minutes, the driver stopped the jeepney, stepped out in pouring rain and unfurled the plastic window so that his passengers will not get wet. It was a simple act of Filipino heroism. Imagine if we all had that kind of initiative? Our faith in humanity could be restored.

2) Find your passion

Finding something you love is not that easy, but when you find it, it will be worth it. Pursuing your passion with a pure intention will surely help our country rise to the top. Can you image a talented group of engineers, passionate for proper waste management will innovate towards a clean and effective solution for our flooding problems? Or what about people who have passion for education and justice, teaching street children and finding ways to help them break the cycle of poverty? Whatever your passion may be, I’m sure that God has a purpose for it. In each and every one of us, there is a seed for greatness, and it start with your passion.

3) Follow the rules

In the book 12 Thing Every Filipino can do to Help our Country, Mr. Alexander L. Lacson states that 
“Traffic rules are the simplest of our country’s laws. But when implemented, it paints a country of strong laws.” 
We Filipinos tend to break the rules every time. Most of us don’t use the pedestrian lanes. We throw junk in the streets. Following the rules is a tough task for us, especially when the law is not enforced enough. But I want to tell you that following the rules doesn’t even hurt us. In fact, it can be a form of discipline that will help nurture a peaceful country. If you think about it, if people use the proper pedestrian lane and if drivers obey the rules of the road, we could lessen road accidents. If a worker would pay his or her proper taxes and the government used those taxes properly, we could help our economy grow. 
So follow the rules, because it can lead to a lot of positive outcomes.

4) Voice out your ideas

Albert Einstein said 
“The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it. 
Isn’t that a scary thought? Most of the time, people have so many ideas but they are afraid that if they voice out their opinions, people might judge or even ignore them totally. What if that idea could help find the cure for cancer? What if that idea could stop crimes at the street?  Don’t be afraid to share your wonderful ideas, my friend.  Imagine if Thomas Edison never shared his idea of light bulb, then the world would be a dark place. Don’t let darkness reign in the world. Your bright idea could change the world.

5) Set a time for reflection and pray

And last but not the least, reflect. Each one of us struggles in our daily lives, having a quiet time to think about what have you done right and wrong throughout the day makes your mind relax. Pray and ask forgiveness for all of the bad things you have done. Ask for guidance on what will you do the following day. Remember that God is the author of wisdom, without Him we will accomplish nothing.

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