Why We Need to Love Our Politicians

I’m sure you raised your eyebrows when you saw the title of this post- am I right my friend?
Seriously, this is something we need to do. It’s the complete opposite of what’s happening in our country right now. From the alleged cheating of 2004 Presidential election, the PDAF scam, the events of the SAF44, and now the killings that is happening in our country. You might be thinking “Sino ba tong batang to? Alam niya ba mga pinagsasabi niya?” Opo,marahil bata pa po ako pero tulad nga ng sinabi ni tropang Nelson Rockefeller “Never forget that the most powerful force on earth is love”. Without love we are nothing. Our world would not exist without love. From the very beginning, it was God’s love that made this world come to existence. A few years ago, it was your parents’ love that created you.
At One Point in Their Lives…

Think about the politician. They had their childhood and their beginnings too. They might have once said, “I’ll be the one that will change the world. Someday my country will be the most powerful in the world. But as time goes by, as they are placed in the position of limitless power, they might forget what they said to themselves all those years ago. Because of that they chose to use their power to achieve their desire, to get more money, and increase their influence.
And then Here it Goes,

Now, people hate them so much. They curse them- they think that those politicians are the ones to blame for why our country never succeeds. Politicians and leaders have an integral factor in the development of our country. But we must not forget that each of us, all the people of this country also have the power to do things that will benefit our motherland. Let us also assess ourselves if we have done something great for our country.
Antagonizing them, makes it even worse. Hating someone will surely degrade and discourage them from doing the right things. Instead, it’s possible that by showing trust and belief in someone, it could inspire and motivate a person to do things beyond their capability. Think of yourself. Do you like being hated or not? Isn’t it better when someone believes in you? John Maxwell once said,
“A word of encouragement from a teacher to a child can change a life. A word of encouragement from a spouse can save a marriage. A word of encouragement from a leader can inspire a person to reach her potential."
Maybe we can,

Maybe instead of hate, a word of encouragement to a politician can change the way they lead. We don’t know what effect it could have, and there is no harm in trying to show them that we still care for them. Majority of us make mistakes and those mistakes formed us to be the person that we are today.

“A man is but the product of his thoughts, What he thinks, he becomes”
-Mahatmi Gandhi
If people believe that they are persons with integrity, that could change their whole perspective on how to use their power and authority. Maybe they could change for the better. Using love to solve problems could be the most cliché thing to do. But in reality, this world will be better if we love one another. Inspiring and motivating one another is a noble thing to do and when it’s done, it could benefit society. The same goes for our leaders. Encouraging them to do what is right will move their hearts to the good side. It will not happen instantly, but it is a long process we must do to achieve our desired outcome.

From the song Speak Life by TobyMac, “Lift your head a little higher, spread the love like fire, hope will fall like rain when you speak life with the words you say.” We always have the choice in our lives. Speaking about hope and love is never a bad choice. Love is the thing that rules and governs the world, if you will ask me “Bakit maraming masasamang tao sa mundo?” This reminds of Einstein’s response on his professor:
 "Evil does not exist sir, or at least it does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is just like darkness and cold, a word that man has created to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is not like faith, or love that exist just as does light and heat. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat or the darkness that comes when there is no light."
God is love…

He loves us unconditionally. He loves us even though we always fail Him. He loves us so much that he gave us only Son to save us from our sin. Imagine that kind of love? In Mark 12:31, He said
“The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." 
God want us to love each other, he does not want chaos reigning in the world, instead He wants love to be the focal point of our lives.

Image Credits:
  • http://thenarcissisticanthropologist.com/2015/01/05/creating-the-culture-that-will-change-the-world/
  • https://thejhnkelvin.wordpress.com/2013/12/31/tanat-magpainit/
  • http://wallpaper222.com/explore/encourage-one-another/
  • http://hdwallpapers.cat/ray_of_hope_blue_sky_hill_golden_sands_hd-wallpaper-800441/


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